Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

Brooklyn Campus

6 MetroTech Center (Jay Street)

Name changes for this university

    •    1854: Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute;

    •    1889: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 

    •    1973: Polytechnic Institute of New York

    •    1985: Polytechnic University (acquired university status)

    •    2008: Polytechnic Institute of New York University

    •    2014: New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering

    •    2015: New York University Tandon School of Engineering

Degrees Earned

1968, received B.S. in mathematics from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

1968, receives M.S. in mathematics from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

1986, received  Ph.D. in mathematics from Polytechnic University


Chess Club

Student chapter, Association for Computing Machinery

Polytechnic Question Society

This website was last updated on Oct. 14, 2023. This website is maintained by Stanley Rabinowitz.

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